
Otolaryngology covers a wide range of treatments, covering everything from tumors, cancers, and injuries of the ears, nose, and throat to problems with breathing, sleeping, swallowing, and other ear canal, nose, and throat functions.

As an Otolaryngologist, or ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist), Dr. Yadro Ducic completed an additional five years of residency training after medical school. He is certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology. He has frequently lectured on ear, nose, and throat surgery techniques. His ear reshaping and facial reconstruction expertise make him a leader in the field. Over the years, Dr. Ducic has developed specialized surgical techniques to improve the outcomes for even the most complex reconstructive surgeries, maximizing both aesthetics and function for his patients.

Dr. Ducic treats a wide range of problems involving the ears, nose, and throat, including:

Sinus/Nose Problems

Sinus problems, such as chronic sinusitis or rhinitis, can interfere with one’s ability to breathe properly. Depending on the severity of the problem, treatments range from medications to surgery.
> Read more about Sinus Surgery


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to straighten a crooked septum (the cartilage separating the nostrils) to improve breathing and minimize sinus infections.
> Read more about Septoplasty / Nasal Obstruction

Neck Masses

Neck masses may be caused by infections, injuries, dental infections, goiter, or tumors. Any mass on the neck, small or large, should be examined if it lasts longer than two weeks.
> Read more about Neck Masses

Facial Paralysis

Sudden facial paralysis, or the inability to move facial muscles on one or both sides of the face, may be caused by trauma, disease, nerve damage, or disease. It may also be congenital. It is often treatable with early intervention.
> Read more about Facial Paralysis


Snoring is a common but complex problem that may have more than one cause, including soft palate issues, obstruction of the nasal passage, or enlargement of the uvula, tonsils, or tongue. Treatment options are customized for each patient for optimal results.
> Read more about Snoring

Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea frequently interrupts breathing throughout the night, reducing oxygen to the brain. The result is depression, loss of concentration, daytime sleepiness, and increased susceptibility to heart disease. Dr. Ducic develops customized treatment options for his patients, including Inspire, the most innovative treatment option available, which does away with the need for a bulky, uncomfortable CPAP machine.
> Read more about Sleep Apnea

Inspire is an implantable medical device that stimulates the upper airway, stabilizing the throat when sleeping. The stimulation of the throat muscles by the Inspire device keeps the airways open to prevent obstructive sleep apnea.
> Read more about Inspire® Sleep Apnea Treatment

Trouble Swallowing

Trouble swallowing is a complex problem that may originate in the mouth, throat, or esophagus. Dr. Ducic is experienced at accurately diagnosing and treating all types of swallowing difficulties.

Voice Hoarseness

While occasional hoarseness is not uncommon, if hoarseness lasts a long time or occurs along with pain, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or a lump in the throat or neck, it is crucial to see Dr. Ducic for diagnosis and treatment.

Do you have ENT issues?

ENT issues should never be ignored. If you have problems with your ears, nose, or throat, an appointment with a specialist who can diagnose and treat the condition is essential. Please call our office at Fort Worth Office Phone Number 817-920-0484 to arrange a consultation with Dr. Ducic for an evaluation and customized treatment plan.


Call with with any questions or to request a consultation with DFW Reconstructive and Cosmetic Facial Surgeon Dr. Ducic.